Volume – 02, Issue – 01, Page : 01-

Inter-Continental Exploration of Legal Threads and Policy Implications of Immigration Laws


Akhoury Ahmed

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)


Date of Publication

26 August 2022

Abstract :
This research paper provides a comprehensive examination of immigration law across diverse jurisdictions, unveiling the complex interplay between legal frameworks, societal values, and global dynamics. Beginning with an exploration of foundational principles, the study navigates the multifaceted terrain of immigration law, delving into the intricacies of entry, residency, and deportation. The United Nations’ International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights serves as a guiding principle, emphasizing the universal right of citizens to enter their home countries, setting the stage for an in-depth analysis. The United States emerges as a compelling case study, epitomizing the tension between openness and control. The H1B visa program, a gateway for skilled professionals, illuminates challenges within the lottery system, revealing uncertainties and limitations in skilled migration pursuits. The U.S.’s EB-5 program further underscores the economic dimension of immigration policies, reflecting a commitment to attracting capital and talent. Legal frameworks in the United Kingdom introduce a tiered system, balancing skilled migration with controlled entry, while historical connections, such as Malta’s association with British nationality until 1964, reveal enduring impacts of colonial legacies. Australia’s Skilled Independent and Skilled Nominated visas exemplify global strategies to address labor market shortages, emphasizing a points-based system to attract individuals crucial for economic growth. Legal developments related to Australia’s points-based system highlight the perpetual need for legal clarity and adaptability. The exploration extends into Asia, uncovering diverse approaches in South Korea, Hong Kong, India, and Israel, reflecting the intricate connections between legal principles and each country’s unique context. The European Union adds complexity, with distinct nationality laws across member states, contributing to ongoing legal discourse on shared citizenship and individual rights. This research further delves deeper into specific visa categories, legal challenges, and case laws, collectively shaping the narrative of global immigration dynamics.

Keywords :
Border Control, Citizenship, Global Migration, Human Rights, Immigration Law, International Migration, Legal Frameworks, Nationality Law, Skilled Migration, Visa Categories.

References :

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