Law and Social Science Periodical (LSS Periodical) is unwavering in its commitment to uphold the highest standards of publication ethics, firmly adhering to the policies, principles, and guidelines stipulated by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) in its core practices document(s). Our goal is to ensure integrity and reliability of the manuscripts we publish, while simultaneously fostering ethical conduct among authors, reviewers, editors and other involved stake-holders.
Ethical Guidelines for Authors
Authors submitting manuscript to Law and Social Science Periodical (LSS Periodical) are expected to strictly adhere to the following guidelines:
- Accurate Presentation: Authors are obliged to meticulously present their research findings with unwavering precision, offering an objective discourse on their research.
- Authorship: Authors are obliged to uphold scrupulous standards when attributing authorship, including only those individuals who have made substantial and meaningful contributions to the research, while excluding those who do not meet the requisite criteria for authorship.
- Conflict of Interest: Authors must diligently disclose all potential conflicts of interest that could possibly compromise the integrity and objectivity of their research work.
- Data and Methods: Authors are expected to provide adequate and comprehensive details regarding their data and methods, enabling other researchers to effectively replicate and build upon their work.
- Simultaneous Submissions: Authors are strongly discouraged from submitting their manuscripts to multiple journals simultaneously, as this practice is considered a breach of ethical standards.
- Originality: Authors are responsible for ensuring the originality of their research results, guaranteeing that they have not been previously published.
- Copyright Permissions: Authors bear the onus of obtaining permission from copyright holder/s to publish any previously published content, including quotations, figures, text, or tables.
- Prompt Communication: Authors are expected to promptly communicate any errors or inaccuracies identified in their communicated or published work, and to actively cooperate in rectifying those issues.
- Accountability and Responsibility : The corresponding author serves as the primary point of contact and is expected to involve all other co-authors in decisions pertaining to the manuscript. Also, all the authors must jointly assume full accountability for their research work, including its accuracy and integrity.
- Substantial Contribution: It must be ensured that people who have made substantial contribution in research are not left from the list of authors, and those who have not made significant contribution are not listed as author/s in the manuscript.
- Usage of AI-Assisted Technologies: In instances where author/s have utilized artificial intelligence (AI) tools in preparation of their manuscript, they must explicitly declare about such usage in the methodology and acknowledgement sections. In such cases, the responsibility for originality, validity, and integrity of the content lies solely with the author(s). However, failure to disclose the utilization of AI assisted technologies, if detected during manuscript processing stage, will be promptly communicated to the peer-reviewers, and editorial decisions will be made accordingly.
- Altering Authorship: Authors are expected to exercise careful consideration when determining authorship prior to manuscript submission. Any modification to authorship, including additions, removals or rearrangements, subsequent to acceptance of manuscript, requires unanimous approval of all authors, including those proposed for removal. The journal reserves the right to request evidence substantiating authorship contributions prior to attending any request for alterations to authorship or sequencing of authors.
- Authorship Disputes: Law and Social Science Periodical (LSS Periodical) abides by the guidelines established by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) when it comes to resolving authorship disputes that may arise at any stage of manuscript processing. However, in situations where disputes cannot be amicably resolved by involved parties, the journal shall be free to seek involvement of an appropriate external body, as deemed suitable by the editorial board, to serve as the final adjudicator. The journal reserves the prerogative to amend authorship in accordance with the recommendations put forth by the adjudicating body.
- Policy on Author Name Change: Occasionally, authors may seek to change their name subsequent to manuscript publication. Law and Social Science Periodical (LSS Periodical) acknowledges that name changes can be sensitive and private, often prompted by factors such as alignment with gender, identity, marriage, divorce, or religious conversion. For safeguarding the author’s identity in such instances, no correction notice shall be published, and none of the co-authors will not be informed. However, the journal will exercise due diligence to verify that the previously named individual and the individual with the revised name are one and the same.
- Plagiarism Policy: Law and Social Science Periodical (LSS Periodical) unequivocally opposes and denounces any act of plagiarism. The policy statement which underscores the gravity of this offense and emphasizes the journal’s commitment for upholding academic integrity is available here – [Link]
- Data Fabrication: Manuscripts submitted to Law and Social Science Periodical (LSS Periodical) are required to present genuine and authentic data, free from any form of manipulation or fabrication. This entails refraining from selective exclusion of data to moderate conclusions, inventing or falsifying data, or cherry-picking tools and results for bolstering specific claims.
- Image Manipulation: It is imperative for authors to ensure that image file/s produced in the manuscript are not subjected to any form of manipulation or adjustment that could potentially result in mis-interpretation of information presented in the original image.
- Law and Social Science Periodical (LSS Periodical) actively promotes adherence to Sex and Gender Equity in Research – SAGER guidelines among its authors, urging them to incorporate considerations of sex and gender, wherever applicable. Authors are expected to exercise meticulous care in usage of ‘sex’ and ‘gender’ to avoid confusion and ambiguity. Manuscript titles and abstracts should unambiguously delineate the sex (or sexes) to which the study pertains. Additionally, authors are also expected to provide a comprehensive account of how sex and gender were taken into account during the study’s design, and, whenever possible, furnish dis-aggregated data based on sex and/or gender. Authors are encouraged to consult the complete guidelines prior to submitting their work for consideration by Law and Social Science Periodical (LSS Periodical).
- Click here – [SAGER Guidelines]
- While dispute over borders and territories may hold relevance in description of any particular research, but Law and Social Science Periodical (LSS Periodical) maintains a neutral stance with regard to submitted manuscripts bearing maps and jurisdictional claims. Nonetheless, should potential disputes or complaints arise, the editorial team will strive to facilitate a resolution that is acceptable to all involved parties.
- Author/s of manuscripts must bear the responsibility of identifying and declaring any personal circumstances or interests that may be perceived as exerting inappropriate influence over the presentation or interpretation of their research findings. These conflicts may manifest as financial interests (such as membership affiliations, employment arrangements, consultancy engagements, patent-licensing agreements, honoraria, etc.) or non-financial interests (such as personal or professional acquaintances, institutional or community affiliations, personal beliefs etc.). All such competing or conflicting interests must be transparently disclosed in the manuscript.
- Copyright and Licensing: Authors retain the copyright of their manuscript published by Law and Social Science Periodical (LSS Periodical) . The manuscripts are licensed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial, Share Alike 4.0 International License. This licensing framework strikes a delicate balance, permitting others to utilize and share the manuscript while preserving the original creator’s integrity and control. It ensures proper attribution, prohibits commercial usage, and forbids modification without the explicit permission of author/s.
- Pending Patent Issues: Due to adoption of continuous article publication (CAP) mode of publishing, manuscripts submitted to Law and Social Science Periodical (LSS Periodical) are available online, as soon as they are ready. Due to this, the publication process encompassing stages of peer review, proof-reading, copy-editing etc. will not be postponed or delayed due to any pending patent applications or similar concerns. Accordingly, authors are advised to ensure resolution of any such issue before submitting their manuscript. Also, details of any pending patent application or registration, must find place in the ‘conflict of interest’ statement.
- Law and Social Science Periodical (LSS Periodical) may consider high-quality content previously published in a different language for publication, provided that appropriate referencing to the original publication is made in the submitted manuscript. Authors must expressly indicate at the time of submission that the manuscript is a translated version of a specific scholarly publication. Furthermore, all authors associated with the original article must be listed as author/s in the submitted manuscript. Prior to manuscript submission, author/s must also obtain requisite permission from the original article’s publisher, copyright holders, and/or authors. Communication of any translated article failing to adhere to these guidelines will be rejected.
- Authors must ensure that proper citation is employed when utilizing material from external sources, including their own previously published works.
- Authors are advised to avoid excessive self-citation and biased citation of works associated with individuals they are acquainted with.
- References section should only include works that have been cited in the main text of manuscript.
- Advertisements or advertorial material should not be cited.
- The maintenance of editorial integrity in Law and Social Science Periodical’s review process is a shared responsibility among the editorial office, editor-in-chief, editorial board members, guest editors, and peer reviewers.
- If there are ethical concerns raised regarding a manuscript or if formal information regarding potential ethical issues is received, the Managing Editor of the journal will refer the matter to editorial board for investigation, requesting them to adhere to the established guidelines of COPE.
- Just like authors, editorial board members and reviewers are also required to disclose any potential conflict of interest or competing interests. Consequently, if such interests could arise from competitive or collaborative relationships, they must decline to review the manuscript. Such relationships may include – affiliation with the same institution, participation as research or project collaborators, personal friendships, familial ties, close acquaintance, mentor / mentee relationship, recent co-authorship, receipt of professional benefits, employer-employee status, receipt of funding or grants from institutions with an interest in the reported results, or receipt of financial offerings resulting from copyrights, patents, royalties, and similar sources. Additionally, any other conflict of interest, whether actual or potential, that may impact the peer review process and decision-making, must also be disclosed.
- Law and Social Science Periodical (LSS Periodical) firmly rejects any form of discrimination based on race, colour, sex, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, country of origin, physical ability or disability, or socio-economic status. Any reviewer or editorial board member who possess personal biases on any of these grounds, are obligated to disclose such biases beforehand.
- Law and Social Science Periodical (LSS Periodical) adheres to double-anonymized peer review method in which the identities of both the authors and peer reviewers remain un-disclosed. All involved parties remain anonymous and unaware of each other’s identities.
- Reviewers are expected to maintain strict confidentiality regarding the materials provided by the journal and refrain from utilizing unpublished manuscripts or any part thereof for their own purposes.
- Furthermore, reviewers should take care not to disclose their identity to the authors, either in their comments or in the metadata of submitted reports.
- Readers who have concern or complaint about any published manuscript are encouraged to first contact the corresponding author directly in an attempt to resolve the issue.
- If author/s are unresponsive or if concerns remain unresolved, the managing editor may be contacted. The managing editor will coordinate with the complainant, author(s), and editorial board members to investigate, rectify, or resolve the concern.
- In cases involving ethical concerns, the final decision will be reached collectively by the editorial board members, considering the fundamental principles of publication ethics as outlined by COPE.
- For concerns related to factual accuracy, scholarly rigor or scientific validity, the editorial board may seek input from experts in the concerned field, typically comprising of faculty members from higher educational or research institutions.
- Legal concerns will be referred to legal counsel or law firm for appropriate handling.
- While anonymous complaints are generally not entertained, if they serve as a means of whistle-blowing to enhance the journal’s operational procedure, they will be duly investigated by the editorial board.
- Complaints lacking substantial facts and evidences are unlikely to be processed and will be considered only if additional information substantiating the concern is provided.
- It is important for complainants to understand that investigations require time to complete. In such circumstances, the journal is not obligated to provide regular updates until a final decision is reached. However, endeavours are made to resolve such cases within 100 days from the date of receiving the complaint.
Law and Social Science Periodical (LSS Periodical) recognizes its obligation to rectify errors and address ethical issues brought to its attention. In order to ensure transparency for both authors, readers and other stake-holders, the journal has embraced standardized practices to provide updates on published manuscripts.
- Minor Errors: Minor errors that have no bearing on the manuscript’s outcome and results (such as spelling, grammar, or spacing errors) will be rectified without issuing any correction notice.
- Metadata Errors: Request to rectify error/s in the manuscript’s metadata (including title of manuscript, authors’ names, or minor moderation in abstract) will be considered only if deemed reasonable by the managing editor of the journal. Once approved, the manuscript will be updated and re-published on the website. Additionally, relevant indexing databases will be notified to effect the necessary changes. In such cases, no correction notice will accompany the manuscript.
- Minor Revision: Request for minor revision/s may be considered upon approval by the editorial board. This may encompass – formatting modifications, resolving missing or unclear figures and tables, addition / removal / modification of references, funding information, conflict of interest declaration, author contribution, acknowledgments etc. Once approved, the manuscript will be updated and re-published on website. In such instances, a correction notice will be appended with the manuscript.
- Major Revision: Typically, request for major revision/s after publication of a manuscript is not accepted. However, if the editorial board recognizes substantial merit in such a request, it may be taken into consideration. In such cases, the revised manuscript will undergo peer-review. If approved by reviewers, the updated version will be published on the journal’s website, accompanied by a correction notice appended to the original publication. This shall entail processing charges as well.
- Retraction of Publication: Retraction, subsequent to publication may solely be pursued under two circumstances. Firstly, when the corresponding author and all co-authors unanimously concur that gross errors, ethical violations, data fabrication, plagiarism, or any other misconduct jeopardizing the integrity of scientific research have occurred. Secondly, if any or all of these issues are brought to the journal’s attention through a formal complaint and subsequent investigation (wherein the author/s will also be given an opportunity to respond to allegations and present their viewpoint) substantiates the same. In both these scenarios, the published manuscript shall be retracted. Law and Social Science Periodical (LSS Periodical) adheres to the retraction guidelines outlined by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) in this regard. As per the guidelines, the original publication will remain accessible on the journal’s website for future reference but will bear a conspicuous “RETRACTED” watermark on every page. Simultaneously, a retraction notice will also be appended to the manuscript.
- In certain complex or protracted situations (such as an inconclusive case of suspected research misconduct) the journal may opt to publish an Expression of Concern. This statement will explicate about the concern/s raised for information of stake-holders and public at large.
- Law and Social Science Periodical (LSS Periodical) works in tandem with authors and editors to promote adherence to fundamental principles of publication ethics. Should you have any concern regarding any published manuscript, we strongly encourage you to apprise us by furnishing as much pertinent information as possible. For this, the managing editor of the journal can be contacted via email at : admin @